Loyalty Membership Program

Welcome to our exclusive Studio Loyalty Membership Program, designed especially for our valued preexisting members! We deeply appreciate your continued support and dedication to our studio, and as a token of our gratitude, we're thrilled to offer you discounted rates on our private and partner lessons.

Why You Are Getting Discounted Rates

  1. Recognition of Loyalty: Your consistent participation and loyalty have been the cornerstone of our studio's success. We want to recognize and reward your commitment by providing you with exclusive benefits.

  2. Enhancing Your Experience: We believe that your loyalty should come with tangible rewards. Discounted rates make it easier for you to continue enjoying the activities you love without worrying about the cost.

  3. Community Building: By offering these discounts, we aim to foster a strong sense of community within our studio. We want our long-term members to feel valued and appreciated, knowing that they are an integral part of our family.

  4. Encouraging Growth: Your feedback and support have been invaluable in helping us improve and expand our offerings. By giving you special rates, we hope to encourage contributing further to your personal growth and the studio's evolution.

Registration Fees + Tuition Rates/Payments

A registration fee of $45 will be required at the beginning of every year to secure your membership in the studio. The registration fee is also applicable to new students who may join at different times during the school year. Lessons will be paid in monthly installments beginning the first lesson of every month. DewMusic Studio accepts Cash, Check, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, or Paypal.

Regular Membership Tuition Rates

Lesson Length Tuition Per Month
30 Minutes $200

Loyalty Membership Discounted Tuition Rates

Lesson Length Tuition Per Month
30 Minutes $160

Regular Membership Partner Lesson Tuition Rates

Lesson Length Tuition Per Month
45 Minutes $175

Loyalty Membership Partner Lesson Tuition Rates

Lesson Length Tuition Per Month
45 Minutes $145

*5% Discount on multiple sibling lessons

Tuition covers the cost of:

  • Lesson planning and repertoire selection

  • Piano tuning and maintenance

  • Incentive programs, game materials, and technology apps.

  • Tuition does not include the cost of music. Students should expect to spend approximately $50 per year on repertoire.

  • $10 Late Fee for all payments received after the due date.

  • Please Note: There are no reimbursements for missed lessons and tuition is never adjusted unless the teacher cannot provide the promised number of lessons.